Holy God it's the middle of January! The snow has left us but it's still colder than all hell. Sitting in this evening, half-watching a ドラマ (drama) about....firemen! Ceart go leor, like! School's fine for the time being. Well, the Ma was about for the New Year and it was awesome. We visited Hiroshima, Miyajima World Heritage Site, Kyoto and Osaka. She fecked off to Nara herself for the day as well! We are both big tanuki fans - it's a Japanese raccoon dog that's real, but mythical and lives in Japan! Gave a プレセンティシオン today about Irish architecture at my high school, which went down well. It was a buzz telling Japanese kids about crannogs, bee hive cells, the nascent sun coming through the roof box at Newgrange on a winter solstice morning...
my school just recently won the All-Japan High School rugby tournament - fair play! きをつけて、Brian O'Driscoll!
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