It was indeed a bit of a handful, these past two days. I'll have to try and remember it in reverse.
Sunday ended with a marathon music session at Field Studios, the ever-present Anime and myself working to get the CD finished. I am having problems with one tune which is bulky and needs to be finished properly. Trying to avoid studio perfectionism without compromising the quality of the album overall.
On Sunday afternoon I went watching the Sumo with a bunch of good friends in Saiin, west Kyoto city. Amie and Steve made delicious pizza (bringing B. Mc Auliffe's 'Rathmines Pizza Nights' to mind). That event was followed by a keyboard jam back at the house with Dave Rodwin on bass. The Sunday morning was the Kyoto City Half Marathon, which I ran in 91 minutes. 10 faster than last year, but it was tougher going as I had trained less. The never-say-die Valerie and Mike Yoshida also ran - what a trio! Sandwiched in between all that was the Kyoto St Patrick's Day parade. Now I never seen a dog in a St Paddy's Day outfit till I came to Japan, but that, as they say, is true internationalisation!
I can't remember what I did on Saturday...ah yes, there was the Oxfam Pub Quiz at Zac Baran Jazz Studio, in which we held the lead till I disappeared down to my friend's gig just before the music round....all that was preceded by an impromptu jam at my friend Hiro's wedding, on a GLASS PIANO. More pictures soon folks, I'm out of time here...ST PATRICK'S DAY PARADE はすごいたのしかった。そのあと、PUBで、あいるらんどのギネスビルを飲みましたーおいしかった!
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